Windows 8 und die Usability

Win­dows 8 gets a lot right, but Microsoft’s deter­mi­na­ti­on to offer com­pu­ter and mobi­le users the same inter­face makes the ope­ra­ting sys­tem some­what weird.
Microsoft’s Modern inter­face deli­vers a user expe­ri­ence more per­so­na­li­zed and enthr­al­ling than what eit­her Apple or Goog­le offers. But it’s also like a puz­zle that you can’t quite solve.
Micro­soft seems deter­mi­ned once again to pro­mo­te a sin­gle user inter­face for screens of all sizes, but whe­re­as its his­to­ri­cal mista­ke was put­ting a big-screen inter­face on a small com­pu­ter, its new error is put­ting the small-screen inter­face on a big one.
Sim­son Gar­fin­kel für MIT TR

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