Mit „Surfacegate“ hat Paul Thurrott zwar ein bisschen übertrieben, aber Microsoft hat die brandneue Skylake-Hardware von Intel im Surface Pro 4 und Surface Book immer noch nicht richtig im Griff. Weitere Updates sind in Arbeit, ohne dass Microsoft schon einen konkreten Termin nennen könnte:
Yesterday our engineering team published some updates for Surface Book and Surface Pro 4. These updates offer refinements to improve battery charging and thermal tuning, wireless and Bluetooth performance, and to the detach-reattach experience on Surface Book. We know some of you are still experiencing issues, including issues related to power management, and we are working to address those as quickly as possible. We’ll publish additional updates as soon as they are ready. In the meantime, the Surface customer forums and the Surface support site remain the best resources if you have questions about your Surface.