New Clues, 64–67

New Clue #: 64 Also: Please stop dres­sing up ads as news in the hope we’ll miss the litt­le dis­clai­mer han­ging off their underwear.

New Clue #: 65 When you place a „nati­ve ad,“ you’­re ero­ding not just your own trust­wort­hi­ness, but the trust­wort­hi­ness of this enti­re new way of being with one another.

New Clue #: 66 And, by the way, how about cal­ling „nati­ve ads“ by any of their real names: „pro­duct pla­ce­ment,“ „adver­to­ri­al,“ or „fake fuck­ing news“?

New Clue #: 67 Advertisers got along wit­hout being cree­py for gene­ra­ti­ons. They can get along wit­hout being cree­py on the Net, too.
New Clues

The who­le she­bang.

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