The revenge of the „German Angst“

Today we’re making our Street View covera­ge more com­pre­hen­si­ve than ever befo­re by laun­ching our big­gest ever update–doubling our num­ber of spe­cial coll­ec­tions and updating over 250,000 miles of roads around the world. We’re incre­asing Street View covera­ge in Macau, Sin­ga­po­re, Swe­den, the U.S., Thai­land, Tai­wan, Ita­ly, Gre­at Bri­tain, Den­mark, Nor­way and Cana­da. And we’re laun­ching spe­cial coll­ec­tions in South Afri­ca, Japan, Spain, France, Bra­zil and Mexi­co, among others.

„Ger­ma­ny“ taucht lei­der nicht auf. Dan­ke an alle Verpixler.

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