IFTTT bald ohne Twitter-Trigger

Dear tee­zeh,

In recent weeks, Twit­ter announ­ced poli­cy chan­ges that will affect how appli­ca­ti­ons and users like yours­elf can inter­act with Twitter’s data. As a result of the­se chan­ges, on Sep­tem­ber 27th we will be remo­ving all Twit­ter Trig­gers, dis­ab­ling your abili­ty to push tweets to places like email, Ever­no­te and Face­book. All Per­so­nal and Shared Recipes using a Twit­ter Trig­ger will also be remo­ved. Recipes using Twit­ter Actions and your abili­ty to post new tweets via IFTTT will con­ti­nue to work just fine.

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